Manufacturing Resources and Support

The dairy industry is committed to promoting excellence in the Australian dairy supply chain and one of its key roles is developing opportunities for dairy manufacturers.

The Manufacturing Resources and Support pages are designed to provide manufacturers easy access to expert knowledge, information and support to help them drive business success.

Browse through a range of tools, services and information designed to help you and your workforce to stay ahead. 

The information provided aims to help manufacturers:

  • Enhance the performance of the manufacturing workforce
  • Assess their export readiness and develop a positive food safety culture
  • Improve knowledge of and access to programs and services
  • Increase economic and workforce readiness
  • Access tools to improve processing efficiency.


Exports and Trade

Useful market data and analysis, as well as information on applicable tariffs which influence dairy export decisions.

Who Makes What?

A searchable database of the companies that make different dairy products in Australia.

Food Safety Program for Manufacturing

A summary of the core elements required from a dairy products manufacturer food …

Current Issues

The gateway to information relating to issues that have potential to impact the smooth flow of trade from Australia.

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