Food Safety Program for Transport

Transport regulation

In most jurisdictions, milk transport operators are licensed by the relevant State Regulatory Authority (SRA) and are required to have a documented food safety program (FSP) approved by SRAs. Core elements of the FSP include:

  • Control of food safety hazards during collection and transport from equipment, vehicles, containers and personnel
  • Product traceability
  • Time and temperature controls
  • Personnel skills and knowledge

The temperature and time of transport must be managed to minimise food safety risks.

In peak season, collection usually occurs daily. When production declines, milk collections may reduce to a frequency approved by the relevant SRA.

Prior to milk collection at the farm, tanker drivers sample milk for testing by the company. Typical tests include fat, protein, somatic cell count, microbiological quality and antibiotic residues. The results of the tests are provided to the farmer and used as a basis for payment. If an abnormal result is detected, the farmer is promptly notified of the result and appropriate action is taken.

On arrival at the factory, the manufacturer may sample the milk for further testing.

Tankers are cleaned using cleaning in place systems with approved chemicals and potable water.

Information on the origin of and destination of milk supplies is recorded to ensure traceability from farm to manufacturer and from manufacturer to farm.

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