Facial Eczema Spore Count Monitoring

Fortnightly reports, from January to April (additional months as required), provide data to support dairy farmers to implement measures to prevent facial eczema and reduce spore counts.

The data is based on samples collected from 22 sentinel farms across the Gippsland and South-coast NSW regions, which are tested by Dairy Australia, Bega and Cobargo Veterinary Clinic and Nowra Veterinary Hospital.

Localised testing services are offered by veterinary practices in Gippsland and South-coast NSW. If animals develop facial eczema symptoms, make immediate contact with a local veterinary practice.

Responding to high spore counts

Early intervention is critical. Use prevailing weather conditions in combination with pasture spore counting to predict and identify periods of pasture toxicity.

Take preventative action when local pasture spore counts trend upwards of 20,000 spores/gram and weather conditions look favourable for sporulation.

Current report

  • Spore Count Monitoring Report 9 March 2025PDF301.25 KB

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