Growing Beef from Dairy

The Growing Beef from Dairy (GBfD) project aims to increase the adoption of economically sustainable dairy beef production as an alternative to early life slaughter of surplus calves through the adoption of best practice breeding and feeding for identified markets. Positioned over 5 years, the project is jointly funded 50:50 by Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and Dairy Australia (DA) levy funds and is being developed by AgSTAR Projects team of extension professionals.

New extension package

The project will develop a bespoke extension and adoption package to assist farmers to make better informed decisions on the management of surplus calves with a focus on the target market for the calves. The package will include modules that align to the age and target weight of the calves and will cover all components from breeding and genetics to nutrition, animal husbandry, animal health, welfare, biosecurity, transport, housing, markets and meat quality.

The team will use the latest extension methodologies and technologies to create adoption pathways suited to a range of producers, their advisors and supply chain stakeholders including the development of Train the Trainer and Advisor Short Course resources.

Facilitating supply chain collaboration

The project will also include Producer Demonstration Sites (PDS) which will bring together a group of farmers and supply chain stakeholders in a local region for facilitated discussion and field days over a two-year period. The PDS model aims to demonstrate different surplus calf market pathways, facilitate peer to peer learning amongst producers, improve connectedness along supply chains and ensure the extension resources developed during the project are relevant and meet the needs of all stakeholders. This model will initially be piloted in one region and commercial co-investment will be sought to implement additional PDSs in other regions beyond the pilot.

Throughout the project, the AgSTAR team will aim to consult and collaborate with dairy and beef producers, supply chain stakeholders, consultants, technical advisors and relevant industry organisations to ensure awareness, acceptance and adoption of the project outcomes.

Getting involved

Register your details if you would like to contribute or stay up to date with the Growing Beef from Dairy Project.

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