Become a Member

Dairy Australia has two member groups:

  • Dairy farmers (Group A)
  • Peak industry bodies (Group B)

Group A members

Approximately 3,000 Australian dairy farmers (Group A) are members of Dairy Australia. Group A membership is voluntary and free to eligible Australian dairy businesses. All dairy farmers who pay the Dairy Service Levy are encouraged to become Group A members of Dairy Australia and have a say in the direction of the company.

Call the memberline 1800 004 377 to become a member of Dairy Australia.

Group B members

Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) and the Australian Dairy Products Federation (ADPF) are Group B members of Dairy Australia.

ADF represents Australia's dairy farmers on a range of issues that are often agri-political in nature and need state and/or Australian Government representation and lobbying. The ADF comprises six state dairy farmer organisations:

  • NSW Farmers' Association Dairy Committee
  • Queensland Dairyfarmers' Organisation
  • South Australian Dairyfarmers' Association
  • Tasmanian Farmers & Graziers Association Dairy Council
  • Victorian Farmers Federation United Dairyfarmers of Victoria
  • Western Australian Farmers' Federation Dairy Council

Membership is voluntary. ADF is funded by its members through their state organisations and by income collected from other investments.

Issues addressed by the ADF include:

  • Natural resource management
  • Animal welfare
  • International trade
  • Collective bargaining arrangements
  • Industrial relations
  • Infrastructure issues

ADPF represents commercial non-farm members of the Australian dairy industry by promoting their interests to state governments and the Australian Government and other sectors of the community. Membership of the ADPF is voluntary and is funded by membership fees. It offers membership to entities operating in Australia that are engaged in the manufacture, marketing or trading of dairy products and/or dairy related products.

How do I become a member?

Membership is available to all levy paying farmers. Complete the form to apply

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