Annual Operating Plan

The Annual Operating Plan is a key document for Dairy Australia and sets out our priority activities, planned income and expenditure, and portfolios of projects.

Our ability to lead and shape the profitability and sustainability of the dairy industry is critical for the ongoing success of Australian dairy. We have clear priorities and goals in our strategic plan which guide our operations. This operating plan continues our focus on outcomes, with measures of success that are linked to our strategy.

Each year we develop an annual plan which is designed to pursue the goals of our five-year Strategic Plan (2020–2025). The Annual Operating Plan 2023/24 is the fourth year of investment.

In this Annual Operating Plan, the Dairy Australia team sets out the range of services and activities to be delivered in 2023/24. While income has decreased due to reduced milk production and an unchanged levy rate, we will continue to focus on delivering value, make small reductions in investments in services and deliver a smaller deficit than last year.

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  • Dairy Australia Annual Operating Plan 2024/25PDF2.42 MB

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