The survey, designed to be completed in just five minutes, has been extended to ensure that every voice within our community is heard loud and clear. We want to hear from everyone working in the industry, including Dairy business owners, employees, service providers.
One of the pivotal insights we've garnered pertains to the preferred methods of communication within our NSW dairy community. From the responses of 28 participants, we've compiled data showcasing the diverse communication channels favoured. This insight is crucial in crafting communication strategies that resonate with each of you.
Current survey results show that email is by far the most preferred form of communication for our NSW dairy farmers, followed secondly by SMS text message, coming in third is social media, followed by phone calls, and lastly posted mail.
We are delighted to see responses to the survey pour in from dairy farmers across various regions. However, it is imperative to ensure comprehensive representation from all dairying areas. While the Mid Coast region has exhibited significant engagement, we urge participation from farmers across all regions to ensure that our strategies are inclusive and reflective of diverse perspectives.
To actively join the conversation and contribute your invaluable insights, simply click on the survey link here. Your feedback shapes the future trajectory of Dairy NSW as our understanding deepens, empowering us to better serve your needs.