Energy Policy

The National Dairy Farmers Survey highlights that the cost and reliability of energy supply are significant concerns for farmers. Dairy Australia works to help farmers reduce energy costs through a range of energy programs on the demand side, in particular, to improve energy efficiency on farm. 

On the supply side, farmers have less ability to influence energy prices, so Dairy Australia works to support peak bodies undertaking advocacy activities in terms of energy policy. This can include providing data and reports on emerging trends in the National Energy Market (NEM), investigating opportunities for innovative technologies and systems, and providing targeted advice on specific aspects of energy systems for dairy farms.

Dairy industry response

The Australian Dairy Industry Council (ADIC) is leading dairy industry energy policy and comprises representatives from Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF), the Australian Dairy Products Federation (ADPF) and Dairy Australia.

The ADIC works in conjunction with state dairy farming bodies and in partnership with the NFF and other commodity and irrigation industry peak bodies. 

For more information, please contact the peak body Australian Dairy Farmers, 03 8621 4200.

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