Have you got your game plan?
Whatever your goals are for your farm, family, or future, now there’s a simpler way to reach them.
Developed for Australian dairy farmers, ‘Our Farm, Our Plan’ is designed to help farmers identify their long-term goals, improve business performance and manage volatility. It helps farmers put their big ideas down on paper and get everyone in their business on the same page. It’s not just about planning for tomorrow, but planning for next month, next year and even the next decade.
‘Our Farm Our Plan’ is accessible on the Dairy Australia website with courses that allow farmers to work through the program with the guidance of an experienced consultant and includes one-on-one support to complete each stage of the program.
Through the ‘Our Farm, Our Plan’ process farmers will:
Use Farm Fitness Checklists to review their current position and identify opportunities to enhance their business
Complete a Quickplan to get everyone’s thoughts and views down on paper
Develop an agreed ‘Plan on a page’ that encompasses the personal and business goals of the key people involved with the businessThe plan can be shared with the people involved in the business to ensure everyone is on the same page, whether it be staff, the bank manager or farm consultants.
Having a plan clearly laid out will help when it comes to decision making, risk management and business growth, change or transition. The next SA ‘Our Farm Our Plan’ course will commence on 10 August, continuing once a week for five weeks. To register your interest, contact DairySA’s Beck Burgess on beckburgess@dairysa.com.au
‘Our Farm Our Plan’ will be available on an ongoing basis once numbers are reached. Please register your interest for the next program with Beck Burgess on beckburgess@dairysa.com.au
Find out more about Our Farm, Our Plan.
Our Farm, Our Plan course schedule flyerPDF, 129.66 KB