We're excited to present the 2022 DairySA Innovation Day on Wednesday 1 June, which also happens to be World Milk Day!
The DairySA innovation day aims to explore topics such as how pastures drive genetic gains, epigenetics, and also explore areas like the most critical period in each cow’s lactation through the First 100 Days Project.
Event details
Date and time: Wednesday 1 June 2022, 9:30 am
Location: The Barn, OB Flat, Mt Gambier
Dinner will be at 6:00pm for a 6:30pm start.
To reserve a spot, please book your ticket now.
Speakers include
- James Mann, Chair, Dairy Australia who'll provide insights into the dairy landscape, current challenges and opportunities for Dairy Australia
- Prof. Jennie Pryce, DairyBio, who will be talking about the Future of Next-Gen Genomics, what does the future cow look like genetically and how can we use new technologies to ensure our dairy futures are both profitable and sustainable?
- Peter Thurn, Stakeholder Relations Specialist, DataGene will delve into dairy data and genetics and how Australia is expanding the horizons of genetic selection of dairy cattle and making data driven decisions.
- Glenys Zucco, Marketing Strategy Manager, Dairy Australia who will looking into driving community support for dairy, addressing the changing expectations of consumers by building trust through its health credentials, animal welfare practices and its environmental impact.
- Tom Cosentino, SADA Industry Fund, on 'Putting Back - the importance of industry investment'
- Libby Heard, Dairy Australia, on ‘Our Farm Our Plan’ who will be talking about starting the journey, and will provide insights from a participant
- Bill Wales, Research Manager, Dairy Production Sciences Agriculture Victoria Research - the First 100 Days Days Project, addressing the most critical period in each cow's lactation.
- Dr Rebel Skirving, BSc BVMS (Hons) Dip Man- Get it right from the start - epigenetics and results of her research study to understand more about colostrum and its potential to 'program' cows for the future
- Prof Kevin Smith, Prof of Pasture Agronomy (Plant Breeding) University of Adelaide - New tools and technologies to develop pasture cultivars and assess their value - DairyBio innovations and the FVI Futures project.
Deep dive into a choice of two of three concurrent afternoon sessions with experts in pasture agronomy, epigentics or the First 100 Days Project.
There will also be a special feature by Maggie Beer, the Dairy Industry Ambassador.
At day’s end, gather in a relaxed setting with other farmers and presenters at the Top Paddock for a pre-dinner graze followed by the DairySA Innovation Day two course dinner.
For all enquiries please get in touch with Cathy Ashby at cathy@dairysa.com.au.