Remembering Ken Smith

By Greg Gilbert, former DairySA Board member 

The Chairman and DairySA Board were saddened to hear of the passing of Ken Smith on 15 August. 

From Meadows, Ken was the founding Chairman of DairySA when it was formed out of the Research and Extension Association for Dairy Development (READD). READD was a subcommittee of the SA Dairyfarmers Association, chaired by David Kuchel. Along with Hans Van Dyk, Ken was passionate about the promotion and progression of the SA dairy industry. 

The objectives of DairySA – formerly READD – are to fund research and extension in the SA dairy industry. These were very close to Ken’s heart. 

Ken was involved in many aspects of the SA dairy industry, and he used his connections to value add his contributions.   

As well as his involvement with DairySA, Ken was a member of the Cattle Advisory Board and was a big influencer on the Enzootic Bovine Leucosis and Bovine Johne’s Disease campaigns, which have contributed to the disease-free status of SA dairy herds.   

He was a founding member of SA Milk Haulage, which pioneered joint milk collection in SA as well as a central milk testing laboratory based at Flaxley Research Station. Ken represented DairySA on the Flaxley Farm Management Committee. 

Ken brought people together and helped them collaborate for the greater good, plus he advocated strongly on behalf of dairy farmers.   

He caused things to happen. As DairySA chairman, Ken identified south-east farmer James Mann as his successor.   

Ken never left people in any doubt about his point of view, and the dairy industry is a much better place as a result.  

Members and staff of DairySA would like to send their heartfelt condolences and appreciation to Helen and family. 

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