ABC Country Hour sheds light on dairy industry career paths

Earlier this month DairySA's Workforce Attraction Project Lead Alberta and Regional Manager Melissa attended the Limestone Coast Jobs and Skills Showcase in Mount Gambier alongside the SA Dairyfarmers Association.

In addition to chatting with local jobseekers about workforce opportunities in dairy, Alberta spoke with ABC Country Hour to shed some light on career opportunities in the industry. She also detailed the role of DairySA in supporting dairy farmers in their employment pursuits.

“…if you’re looking for stability, a reliable source of income, a job that provides you security as other jobs will not offer you, then I’ll say come into the dairy industry. And once you’re in it, as I mentioned, you are within the agricultural space and it can move you from anywhere to everywhere. Every skill is required…”

If you are interested in moving into the SA dairy industry we are here to support you.

Hear more from the interview at:

Talk with Alberta today:





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