Australian Dairy Sustainability Framework

The Australian dairy industry promises to provide nutritious food for a healthier world.

The industry's commitment to addressing emerging sustainability issues is about keeping dairy in business for the long term and improving the industry’s resilience to meet challenges as they come, including a changing climate.

The Australian dairy industry recognises it has a role to play in Australia’s contribution to international sustainable development goals and intends to be an integral part of the national and global effort to address the world’s biggest sustainability challenges.

Our commitments

Enhancing farmer livelihoods

Developing a dairy industry that rewards dairy workers and families, related communities, business and investors.

Improving the wellbeing of people

Maintaining and improving the wellbeing of people through the provision of nutritious, safe, quality dairy food.

Providing best care for all our animals

Striving for health, welfare and best care for all our animals throughout their lives.

Reducing environmental impact

Meeting the challenge of climate change and providing good stewardship of our natural resources.

Australian Dairy Sustainability Framework

Learn about our internationally recognised Sustainability Framework and our commitments to our people, animals, the community and planet.

Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Framework

The industry has set goals and targets against these four commitment areas through the Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Framework.

The Framework supports the industry’s commitment to continuous improvement and highlights where progress has been made and where additional effort is required.

In 2018, new goals were set for 2030 which reflects a renewed sense of purpose for continuous improvement and practice change where necessary.

Framework governance

The Australian Dairy Industry Council (ADIC), comprised of Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) and Australian Dairy Products Federation (ADPF), has overall responsibility for the Framework.

Dairy Australia facilitates and supports ADIC in developing and implementing the Framework.

A Steering Committee was established to drive the ongoing development and implementation of the Framework and includes representatives from farmer organisations as well as dairy companies.

Dairy Sustainability Consultative Forums have also been established to provide feedback on progress and facilitate two-way discussion on emerging issues both nationally and internationally.

Learn more about the governance of the Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Framework.

Framework reporting

The Australian dairy industry regularly reports on progress of the Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Framework. The most recent report details current activity and performance against the Framework’s four commitment areas. Previous sustainability reports are also available here.


  • Dairy Sustainability Report 2021PDF6.19 MB
  • Dairy Sustainability Report 2020PDF8 MB
  • Dairy Sustainability Scorecard 2020PDF730.26 KB
  • DMSC Environmental Scorecard 2019_20PDF1.47 MB
  • Dairy Sustainability Report 2019PDF5.19 MB
  • Dairy Sustainability Scorecard 2019PDF3.26 MB
  • Dairy Sustainability Report 2018PDF5.21 MB

What matters to Australians?

Public expectations of the dairy industry and its products are changing and consumers are increasingly asking questions about their food and where it comes from.

The Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Framework reflects where the Australian dairy industry stands on key sustainability risks: climate change, animal welfare, human health and nutrition, food waste and industry profitability.

Dairy Australia has launched a new communications approach called Dairy Matters that brings to light these values, standards and commitments and answers questions about the issues consumers care about.

Find out more about Dairy Matters and view the answers to common questions consumers have about dairy in a section called ‘You Ask, We Answer’.

Dairy Matters

Dairy Australia's Dairy Matters campaign website

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