Independent Performance Review

Dairy Australia is a Research Development Corporation (RDC) that receives funding from the Commonwealth Government to undertake eligible Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) in accordance with its Statutory Funding Agreement (SFA). Farmer levies together with Government funding and other investments, works to benefit the industry.

Dairy Australia like other RDCs are required as part of their SFA, to undergo an independent third-party review prior to renegotiating a new funding agreement with the Commonwealth. Dairy Australia’s current SFA ends June 2021 and the independent performance review needs to be completed six months prior to the end of the current SFA. The review is focused on Dairy Australia’s performance over the period of the current SFA, 2017 to 2020.

Anwen Lovett and Andrew Spencer have been appointed by Dairy Australia to undertake this review. Between them they have significant experience in the R&D sector including Anwen’s extensive RD&E knowledge and Andrew’s 14 years as CEO of Australian Pork Limited. They have undertaken a similar review for Australian Eggs Limited.

Significant independent industry feedback has been received and informed this review. The recommendations and actions from this review, will be published once a final report is available.

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