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Dairy farmer representatives appointed for levy review
Nine dairy farmer representatives have been appointed to a Levy Poll Advisory Committee which is undertaking a review of the dairy service levy.
LPAC independent Chair Ron Storey said there had been a strong level of high quality nominations from around the country.
“I am grateful to everyone who applied for a position on the committee. The full LPAC committee of fifteen has a total of twelve levy paying farmers, with nine directly appointed from farmer applicants, plus three levy payers nominated by industry bodies.
“I am delighted with this level of grass-roots input. We have a balance of representation across dairy regions, years of farming experience, herd sizes, and owner/sharefarmer experience. The LPAC will now get down to business to review the levy.
“The industry has undergone a number of changes since the last levy review in 2016, so it is timely to evaluate whether the current level of funding is appropriate to support its long-term research, development and extension needs,” Mr Storey commented.
Dairy farmer representatives on LPAC
- Heath Cook, NSW
- Katrina Gofton, Tasmania
- Brendan Rae, South-West Victoria
- Matthew Trace, Queensland
- Andrew Aldridge, Tasmania
- Karrinjeet Singh-Mahil, South-West Victoria
- Andrew Cavill, South Australia
- Daryl Hoey, Gippsland, Victoria
- Peter Evans, Western Australia
Industry body representatives on LPAC
- Tania Luckin, Dairy Australia Director and dairy farmer from South-West Victoria
- Roseanne Healy, Dairy Australia Director
- Rick Gladigau, Australian Dairy Farmers Director and dairy farmer from South Australia
- Victoria Taylor, Australian Dairy Farmers Director
- Peter Mulcahy, Australian Dairy Products Federation representative. KyValley Dairy Director and dairy farmer from Northern Victoria
While LPAC did not receive an applicant from the Northern Victoria-Murray Dairy region, coverage of the region is provided by Peter Mulcahy of Kyvalley Dairy who is a dairy farmer, and other farmer appointees to LPAC also have prior Northern Victorian experience.
LPAC appointed an Independent Selection Panel (chaired by LPAC’s Independent Chair) to evaluate farmer applications, conduct interviews and make recommendations. The committee is expected to make a decision regarding the levy by June 2021. In the event a change to the levy is recommended and a levy poll is required, this process would extend into 2022.
About the Levy Poll Advisory Committee
The dairy service levy funds services provided by Dairy Australia to the Australian dairy industry. The levy is reviewed at least every five years, with input from all sides of industry including farmers, representative bodies and Dairy Australia. A Levy Poll Advisory Committee comprising a majority of dairy farmers (levy payers) is responsible for determining whether the dairy levy should be increased, remain the same or be reduced. A levy poll is required if a change to the levy is recommended. For information visit: