Australian Dairy Plan annual progress update
This five-year whole of industry plan launched in September 2020, and defines what is most important for the future success of the dairy industry to collaboratively drive profitability, confidence and unity.
Much has been achieved in the first year of the plan, including:
Increased transparency on farmgate milk pricing through the Milk Value Portal.
Attraction and support to encourage new people to the industry through advocating for dairy workers to government and new initiatives such as the Pathway for People in Dairy program, the Dairy Learning Plan and the Dairy Farm Managers program.
Deep Dive, Informed Investment in Dairy program which helps potential investors make confident decisions about dairy industry investments.
New large-scale marketing campaign focused on buying Aussie Dairy.
Expansion of the Our Farm, Our Plan program.
Partner organisations are assessing options for procedural and governance changes to existing structures to strengthen leadership, unity and clarity of purpose.
The summary of the Australian Dairy Plan’s first annual update is available now, with the full report to be available online early next year. For more, visit