Dairy Export Assurance program

The Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (the department) has received funding for a program aiming to reduce regulatory burden, and streamlining audit arrangements in the dairy export  sector.

The program covers a range of projects which include:

  • Identifying the regulatory hurdles for domestic dairy manufacturers to become an approved establishment
  • Food safety in commercial assurance programs
  • Working towards reduced regulatory intervention through improved data

This funding is a major investment into the export sector and presents a once in a generation opportunity to refresh and modernise the regulation of dairy exports. The department is partnering with Dairy Australia to progress the three projects within the Dairy Exports Assurance Program.

Work on the Dairy Export Assurance Program has begun, the department is working with Dairy Australia (as the Delivery Partner, and as a key industry stakeholder) to ensure that the modernising of the export system remains fit for purpose into the future. The department will provide progress updates throughout the program.

This work is part of the Australian Government’s broader Deregulation agenda, focused on reducing regulatory burden for food manufacturers with an initial focus on exporting. Deregulation will also work from the perspective of business and will co-design solutions with business and agencies across jurisdictions to identify and remove unnecessary barriers to investment. DEAP, provides an exciting opportunity for the department to slash unnecessary red-tape to help get dairy products to export markets faster. This supports jobs in rural, regional, and remote Australia, and supports the government’s commitment for a $100 billion agriculture industry by 2030.

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