The ‘dairy' best to be recognised at upcoming awards

After tasting their way through 380 of Australia’s finest dairy products, judges of the prestigious Australian Grand Dairy Awards have announced the 2024 finalists.

Now in their 25th year, the awards recognise those who produce the highest quality of Australian dairy. The ceremony will see category champions be announced, and the highest scoring product from both overall dairy and cheese categories will be crowned as the grand champions. 

Finalists represent each Australian state – with 35 producers of cheese, ice-cream, milk, yoghurts, butter, gelatos and more shortlisted.  

Victoria and Tasmania each had seven finalists across the cheese categories including blue cheese, white mould and semi-hard, and South Australia had a clean sweep of the unripened cheese category.  

Queensland led the way with our frozen favourites –  five out of the six ice-cream and gelati finalists were produced in the sunshine state.  

Last year’s winning ice-cream producer, The Standard Market Company is guaranteed the Champion trophy after taking out all three finalist spots for 2024.  

Producers from Western Australia proved popular in the yogurt category and New South Wales claimed six of the nine finalist spots in the milk categories.  

All products, which qualified for the awards by winning gold medals at state competitions, were put through a rigorous judging process. There were 16 expert judges who tested flavour, aroma, texture, body and appearance to identify the finest products across 18 categories.  

Leading the panel of judges, technical experts and flavour specialists, was respected dairy educator and chief judge Russell Smith and deputy chief judge, Mark Livermore.  

“We’re thrilled to announce the impressive line-up of 2024 finalists and pay recognition to the talented Australians who dedicate their time, passion and skill to producing high quality dairy foods for Australia and the rest of the world to enjoy,” Mr Smith said.  

“As we have come to expect the quality of products presented for judging was exceptional. Many old favourites have re-established their place among the best of the best, with new products also impressing.” 

The finalists now have an anxious wait until the awards ceremony in February 2024 where category champions will be announced and the highest scoring product from both the overall dairy and cheese categories will be crowned as the grand champions – the very best two products Australian dairy has to offer.

All finalists can be viewed at


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