Healthcare Professionals Engagement

Dairy Australia's healthcare professionals engagement aims to provide evidence-based resources and tools to general practitioners and dietitians so they can confidently address patient concerns about dairy foods in the diet, and advocate for dairy foods over plant-based alternatives.

A significant portion of consumers cross-reference what they have heard about health and nutrition with a health professional such as GPs and dietitians.  Dairy Australia has engaged with over 25,000 healthcare professionals spanning Dieticians, General Practitioners, Practice Nurses and Dentists.  

Dairy’s role in a plant-based diet

A plant-based diet does not mean a plant only diet. The inclusion of milk, cheese and yoghurt in a plant-based dietary pattern increases nutritional adequacy and enjoyment, in-line with the Australian Dietary Guidelines. 

Dairy's role in a plant-based diet campaign aims to continue on reinforcing dairy’s role in a healthy, sustainable plant-rich diet. Resources are developed to provide health professionals with credible information to answer patient questions and concerns about plant-based dairy alternatives. Health professionals such as Dr Joanna McMillan advocate for dairy’s role in a healthy, sustainable plant-rich diet. 

To discover resources and further information around ‘dairy’s role in a plant-based diet’ campaign, please visit


Improving health outcomes in older Australians 

A world first research study was conducted with the University of Melbourne and Austin Health, with support from Dairy Australia and global dairy organisations, to measure the impact increasing dairy consumption in older Australians. This study found that increasing dairy food intake from approximately 2 serves per day to 3.5 serves per day resulted in a 33% reduction in all fractures, a 46% reduction in hip fractures, and an 11% reduction in falls.

Dairy Australia, in conjunction with Australian Dairy Farmers, State Dairy Farming Organisations and Australian Dairy Products Federation are working together to ensure the impact of this research is well understood and informs decision making by all stakeholders from government, the aged care sector, older people and the broader community. 

Related resources

  • A guide to nutritious plant-based dietsPDF2.24 MB
  • Dairys role in a plant based dietary patternPDF2.57 MB
  • Milk vs plant-based beveragesPDF3.52 MB
  • Dairy’s role in a healthy sustainable dietPDF2.15 MB
  • Dairy and food culturePDF4.73 MB

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