Western Dairy seeking directors
The Western Dairy Board is calling for nominations to fill two director positions commencing 30 November 2021 for a three-year period. The chosen nominees may be either two non-farmers with relevant experience and specialist skills, or one dairy farmer and one non-farmer with relevant experience and specialist skills.
Western Dairy is a not-for-profit association incorporated under the Western Australia Associations Incorporations Act, 1987. It operates under the auspices of Dairy Australia to facilitate dairy industry research, development and extension, supporting the sustainable growth of WA’s 119 dairy businesses. Western Dairy is overseen by a skills-based Board of Directors which comprises a dairy farmer majority, including the chair, and a maximum of two directors with complementary business skills.
Under the terms of the Western Dairy Constitution, a dairy farmer director must be a levy-paying WA dairy farmer and become a voting member of Western Dairy. Becoming a director of Western Dairy is a rewarding opportunity, ensuring the value of the dairy levy is optimised and the organisation continually strives to achieve its vision for a vibrant, profitable and ethical dairy industry.
For further information, please contact Western Dairy regional manager Julianne Hill to request the selection criteria and nomination form. This form should be emailed together with a cover letter addressing the selection criteria, and your current CV including two referees to julianne.hill@westerndairy.com.au by 5pm, Friday 1 October 2021.
Nominees must be available to be interviewed by a selection panel at a time to be agreed between 11-15 October 2021.
Read more about our current Board directors here.