International Market Programs

Dairy Australia helps improve farm returns by providing a positive framework for the industry to develop high-value export markets.

This is done by providing technical support to overcome international trade barriers and other distortions that prevent Australian farmers accessing a fair price for their product and through market development programs that help deepen Australian exporter relationships in key regions.

Because Australian dairy sells roughly one third of its production overseas, the farm gate milk price in many regions is closely aligned to export sales.

Purpose of export market development

Dairy Australia helps to improve and maintain access to overseas markets to maximise potential returns to farmers. These include existing and emerging markets like Japan and China as well as emerging markets such as many of those across South East Asia and the Middle East.

Dairy Australia provides technical support for industry and government in policy negotiations that aim to improve Australia's access to key markets. The International Market Development program aims to develop a preference for Australian dairy by reinforcing its position as a safe, trustworthy and reliable supplier of high-value products.

Outcomes for farmers and the industry

Increased market access promotes stronger demand for Australian dairy products, which helps underpin local farmgate milk returns and provides a framework for profitable industry growth. Strong relationships at an industry-wide level help maintain Australia's position as a preferred supplier, which is important in maximising the unit value return on export sales.

The networks established through these international programs also play an important role in resolving trade policy issues and in providing input into Dairy Australia's market intelligence programs.

Agricultural Trade and Market Access Cooperation is building partnerships with the Indian dairy industry

Dairy Australia is exploring opportunities to develop long-term strategic partnerships with India’s dairy industry across science, capability development, policy, and trade.

To aid with this, Dairy Australia has been awarded a $76,400 grant in December 2020 under the Agricultural Trade and Market Access Cooperation (ATMAC) program to build a long-term engagement plan with Indian dairy sector counterparts.

Consumer demand in India for dairy milk products is expected to outpace supply until 2035 and there will also be enormous demand for value-added milk products.

The ATMAC project will support long-term strategic engagement between the Australian and Indian dairy sectors to explore ways to improve collaboration and identify mutually beneficial opportunities.

The project is taking a long-term focus and aims to position Australian dairy farmers, processors and supply chains are preferred partners for their Indian counterparts into the future.

You can find out more about the Indian dairy industry in this overview document.

Dairy Australia Scholarship Program

Dairy Australia runs annual scholarship programs for the Greater China, Japan, South Korea and South East Asia markets, inviting senior and middle managers from key dairy manufacturers and trading companies to see the best Australia has to offer.

These two-week training programs have been running for over 20 years and provide an opportunity to showcase Australian dairy, its farming practices and the stringent processes used by manufacturers. The scholarship program consists of classroom-style lectures and practicals before heading out on-site for the delegates to see farms and processing facilities for themselves.

Lectures include updates on the Australian dairy industry, dairy food safety and cheese making as well as presentations by Australian-based processors. This introduction to Australian products has been known to develop into future commercial relationships.

Participants also learn about food standards, inspection and certification regulations. They also see for themselves where testing occurs at central laboratory facilities.

Along the way, scholarship participants are invited to try tasty food made with high-quality Australian dairy products.

Scholarship participants are keen to make the most of this great opportunity to learn both technical and practical skills, such as the process of cheese-making

The scholarship program is designed to not only develop a preference for Australian dairy among international importers, but also build and develop key relationships in existing and emerging markets. The friendships created on these study tours are long lasting and provide important links into international markets.

At the end of the program, delegates receive a certificate and alumni pin, welcoming them into Dairy Australia’s Scholarship Program Alumni group. There are currently over 850 alumni who are now influential local industry representatives in the export markets and ambassadors for the Australian dairy industry and products.

Dairy Australia works hard to maintain relationships with these alumni, communicating with them on a regular basis. In 2019, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Greater China Scholarship Program, a special alumni event was held, bringing 30 alumni back to reinforce their knowledge and deepen their relationship with Australia. The event provided an opportunity to share ideas and gain useful insights into the Greater China market.

The strong relationships built up over decades in the international market programs provide an invaluable network for Australian dairy.

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