The Resilience Project

Dairy Australia has partnered with The Resilience Project to share an online wellbeing series, created to support your mental and physical health.


Farming has its challenges at the best of times. Add in tough seasonal conditions on top of taking care of your families and volunteering in your communities, and life can get overwhelming quickly. Being aware of wellbeing factors – such as mindset, diet, physical activity and feelings of connectedness – can support us to build resilience and increase wellbeing.



Over the next few months this wellbeing series will cover The Resilience Project’s top six strategies to build resilience and happiness. 



Each episode in the series has a short video around five minutes long. If you find you want to know more; there is also research, additional resources and activities you can access.



Prevention and participation are key. Rather than waiting until your mental health is suffering, research shows that building wellbeing into day-to-day life, and creating great habits for your mind increases your capacity to cope better in difficult times.



The episodes will be made available each fortnight in the WestVic Dairy newsletter. To make sure you don’t miss episodes, sign up to receive the WestVic Dairy Newsletter.


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