NSW podcast feature Managing Well in Wet Conditions

New South Wales's dairy farmers have been faced with some incredibly challenging seasonal conditions over the last two years. This has seen one-in-100-year floods, repeated floods and prolonged wet conditions on many coastal farms and inland farms as well.

These conditions are not limited to NSW - most states on the eastern seaboard have been affected by the impact of La Niña.

Apart from the immediate and devastating impacts of floods on dairy farms, the flooding in inland grain and hay growing regions is creating a future feed shortage for the industry.

A podcast - Managing Well in Wet Conditions - has been released, featuring Scibus consultant Neil Moss. In it, Neil highlights key things to focus on in times of flood, how to manage wet conditions well and strategies to deal with the coming shortage of spring hay supplies.

This podcast is an initiative of the NSW Department of Primary Industries' Dairy Business Advisory Unit in partnership with the Hunter Local Land Services.

Listen here.

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