Navigating success in dairy farming

In the heart of Brompton, where the rolling hills meet the horizon, Sue and Leo Cleary, seasoned dairy farmers with 29 years of experience, have discovered a steadfast companion in the Dairy Business Support Service (DBSS) program.

Their journey is a testament to the resilience and adaptability required to thrive in the dynamic world of dairy farming.


The Clearys stumbled upon the DBSS program through the unassuming avenue of Dairy Australia emails and little did they know it would be a transformative game-changer. The program's tailored assistance, spearheaded by their dedicated consultant Andrew, emerged as a guiding light through the multifaceted challenges that the Clearys faced over nearly three decades.


In the face of adversities ranging from droughts and fires to floods, Andrew's three-pronged scenario approach became a lifeline for the Cleary’s. While they didn't implement every suggestion, they strategically homed in on irrigation improvements and securing feed for their herd during a gruelling six-month drought period.


What truly set DBSS apart for the Clearys was the holistic support it provided. Beyond addressing immediate concerns, Andrew guided them in navigating debt management and surplus property sales. The Clearys emphasised the importance of a fresh perspective on their business, especially in the intricate landscape of dairy farming.


Recognising the significance of networks, Sue and Leo Cleary highlighted their involvement in a large herds group and the unwavering support received through Dairy Australia programs and services. In an industry as complex as dairy farming, having a supportive network proved instrumental in overcoming challenges and fostering growth.


Expressing sincere gratitude, the Clearys acknowledged the specialised knowledge and assistance provided by Dairy Australia. They recognised the inherent complexity of dairy farming and the perpetual need for learning, emphasising the pivotal role of organisations like Dairy Australia in providing ongoing support to farmers.


As the Clearys continue their journey with DBSS, their focus has shifted to a critical aspect of their operation - animal welfare, particularly in the context of being A2 milk suppliers. Plans for infrastructure improvements, including a feed pad and shade shelter, underscore their commitment to the well-being of their cattle. Innovations such as cooling systems are being explored to ensure the comfort and health of their herd.


In their reflections, Sue and Leo Cleary wholeheartedly recommend the DBSS program to their fellow farmers. They underscore the importance of openness to new information, seeking support, and making strategic investments in the constantly evolving dairy industry. The Cleary’s journey exemplifies the transformative potential of such programs in the lives of dairy farmers.


In an industry where resilience and adaptability are paramount, Sue and Leo Cleary stand as beacons of success, navigating challenges with the right support and strategic planning. Their story serves as an inspiration for fellow dairy farmers in New South Wales, illustrating the profound impact of programs like DBSS on the trajectory of a farm's success.


If you haven't secured your one allocated consultation yet for the current round of DBSS services, now's the time! Jane Bower, our Dairy NSW Engagement and Extension Lead, is your dedicated point of contact for all things DBSS. Drop her a line at, and she'll walk you through the process to ensure you receive the tailored support that suits your farm perfectly.

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