Director Elections

Nominated director candidates stand for election at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held in November 2024. The comprehensive search and selection process of new board directors ensures the board comprises a diverse set of skills, experience and personal attributes.

Current election 

The terms of two directors – the retiring James Mann and Simone Jolliffe – expire at the AGM, meaning there are two vacancies on the Dairy Australia Board. Both are for directors with milk producer skills. Simone Jolliffe will stand for re-election.

After a comprehensive selection process, the two candidates recommended by the Board Selection Committee are Dr James Neal and Simone Jolliffe.

James Neal has been chair of the board of Dairy NSW since 2020. He farms with his wife and parents near Taree, milking up to 800 cows year-round. He has extensive skills in agricultural research, development and extension, with a PhD in water use efficiency, yield, nutritive value and profitability of different dairy forages.

Appointed to the Dairy Australia Board in 2021, Simone Jolliffe has been farming near Wagga Wagga with her husband since 2000. Ms Jolliffe has nearly 20 years’ industry involvement outside their farm business in local, state, and national roles. She has held various leadership roles in industry research, development and extension as well as advocacy and representation.

More details will be included in the notice of meeting available in October.

Board selection process

The Dairy Australia Board selection process is overseen by the Board Selection Committee (BSC). The committee’s role is to identify and nominate candidates that provide the board collectively with the appropriate balance of skills and experience in relation to the business and strategy of Dairy Australia. This ensures candidates are rigorously assessed against the skills needed for a director position following an open and transparent application process.

The BSC is a standing committee appointed for a 12-month period that comprises five members – two representatives from each of Dairy Australia’s Group B members (Australian Dairy Farmers and the Australian Dairy Products Federation) to represent the dairy industry, along with a director of Dairy Australia (not standing for re-election) as the chair.

After assessing the applications received and interviewing candidates, the BSC recommends one candidate for each director vacancy for endorsement by the board. Candidates then stand for election at the Annual General Meeting as Dairy Australia Board nominees.

A Pre-Selection Committee (PSC) assists with selection of farmer milk producer candidates. The PSC comprises three members appointed by Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) who will provide a short list of milk producer candidates to the BSC for consideration.

Candidates who wish to nominate separately to Dairy Australia's board selection process can submit their nomination in writing to the Dairy Australia Company Secretary Martin Bede (via email). The nomination must be supported by signatures from at least 100 Dairy Australia Group A members. The signatures must be accompanied by the full name, business name, and address of each signatory. Completed nominations must be received by 31 August 2024.

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