Food safety in manufacturing

Once delivered to the manufacturer, milk is processed in modern and automated factories using responsible environmental practices. The relevant State Regulatory Authority (SRA) licenses all dairy factories in their state while factories manufacturing product for export also require Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment (DAWE) registration. An approved food safety program (FSP) is required prior to licensing.

Core elements of the FSP include:

  • Pathogen reduction technologies including pasteurisation
  • Temperature controls
  • Processing
  • Cleaning and sanitising
  • Storage
  • Traceability forwards and backwards through the supply chain from farm to customer
  • Post-pasteurisation hazard management
  • Raw material and ingredient management
  • Records
  • Personnel competency

Product specifications reflect compliance with customer requirements, regulatory requirements within the FSANZ Food Standards Code and in the case of exports, the requirements of DAWE and the importing country.

All suppliers of ingredients, cleaning chemicals, packaging and services work with dairy companies to ensure their materials and services meet specific requirements, especially with regard to the traceability of ingredients and materials.

All dairy manufacturers have product recall systems based upon the FSANZ Product Recall Protocol.

Auditors approved by regulatory agencies including DAWE audit the FSPs of all manufacturers. In addition, DAWE and SRAs monitor the safety of milk and dairy products through programs such as the Australian Milk Residue Analysis Survey.

Food safety videos

These food safety videos will help you learn time-saving techniques to keep your businesses’ food safety programs on-track.

Download the templates and forms used in the videos - ready for you to customise and implement. 

How to implement and maintain an internal training program

In this online training video, you will be led through a customisable Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), and checklists, designed to streamline preparation, record keeping and evaluation.

Research skills training

Learn how to find what you’re looking for, faster, and cite it quickly. In this video, you’ll learn how to use free, online tools and strategies to improve and accelerate your next hazard analysis!

Project management for food safety

In this training video, you'll learn some new online tools that help businesses stay focused through the process of prioritisation and real-time collaboration.

Electronic recordkeeping for inspection & 3rd party audits

In this training video, you’ll learn how to take your paper forms online and to leverage the advanced controls provided by Google's free web application, Google Forms


  • Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)DOCX19.03 KB
  • Training and Performance Evaluation ChecklistXLSX19.4 KB
  • Ad hoc Performance Evaluation ChecklistXLSX16.76 KB
  • Employee Training MatrixXLSX21.27 KB

Food Safety Culture

Food Safety Culture involves every person in the dairy value chain. Become a champion for food safety and lead a culture of excellence in whatever stage of the production process you’re involved in.

These resources will help you improve food safety culture in your organisation.

Food Safety Culture self assessment tool

Use this tool to assess food safety culture in your dairy manufacturing business.


Food Safety Culture in any business is how everyone thinks and acts in their responsibility to ensure that the food they manufacture is safe. It's more than just having robust processes for producing safe food. Implementing a Food Safety Culture is about fostering attitudes and behaviours that ensure those processes are being consistently implemented, every day.

No matter what your role, you need to Play Your Part to ensure the safety of the dairy products you manufacture.

Download and print the following resources to get your work place thinking and talking about Food Safety Culture.

  • FS culture ‘Play Your Part’ poster 1 (A3)PDF25.01 KB
  • FS culture ‘Play Your Part’ poster 2 (A3)PDF23.37 KB
  • FS culture ‘Play Your Part’ poster 3 (A3)PDF27.57 KB
  • FS culture ‘Play Your Part’ poster 4 (A3)PDF23.41 KB
  • FS Culture Survey (A4)PDF53.77 KB
  • FS Culture action list (A4)PDF64.53 KB

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