Keeping 'Cows out of Creeks' to foster long-term sustainability

Grants of up to $5,50¬0 are now available to Tasmanian dairy farmers through the ‘Cows out of Creeks’ program. 

The program aims to assist dairy farming landholders in improving water quality by removing cattle from waterways and significant drains. This is achieved through the installation of fencing, stock crossings, off-stream watering and riparian planting (where fencing work is also undertaken).

The Cows out of Creeks grants are delivered by DairyTas with funding from the Tasmanian Government. The grants provide individual financial assistance (via a rebate) to farmers who are looking to fence off waterways and install stock watering.

This year, there will be up to 25 grants available, and a panel will assess applications against the grant guidelines.

Applicants must be individual landowners or share farmers with landowner approval, or companies, partnerships or trusts who are landowners or partner investors in the project.

To be eligible for funding, applicants must have stock on the property where the works are proposed prior to and after the project is completed – i.e. it must be a working livestock property.

Applications close 30 March 2023 and can be submitted via this form

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