Report iconReport

Central SA

Date C SA 24 C SA 23 C SA 5YA
05-Jan-24 293 328 272
12-Jan-24 293 333 237
19-Jan-24 293 338 243
26-Jan-24 293 348 240
02-Feb-24 293 353 239
09-Feb-24 293 358 241
16-Feb-24 293 361 291
23-Feb-24 293 363 246
01-Mar-24 298 368 241
08-Mar-24 298 368 236
15-Mar-24 298 366 283
22-Mar-24 298 363 237
29-Mar-24 298 363 236
05-Apr-24 298 363 285
12-Apr-24 298 364 245
19-Apr-24 298 365 245
26-Apr-24 293 365 230
03-May-24 288 365 231
10-May-24 291 363 274
17-May-24 293 360 232
24-May-24 293 358 232
31-May-24 293 348 238
07-Jun-24 293 348 238
14-Jun-24 293 349 279
21-Jun-24 293 350 245
28-Jun-24 363 351 245
05-Jul-24 363 335 245
12-Jul-24 363 333 261
19-Jul-24 330 281
26-Jul-24 330 281
02-Aug-24 320 284
09-Aug-24 320 289
16-Aug-24 318 289
23-Aug-24 315 288
30-Aug-24 315 285
06-Sep-24 315 285
13-Sep-24 318 276
20-Sep-24 318 275
27-Sep-24 313 255
04-Oct-24 308 237
11-Oct-24 298 230
18-Oct-24 293 229
25-Oct-24 293 229
01-Nov-24 298 233
08-Nov-24 301 236
15-Nov-24 303 242
22-Nov-24 293 248
29-Nov-24 293 253
06-Dec-24 293 256
13-Dec-24 293 257
20-Dec-24 293 261
27-Dec-24 293 272


Change in price is the change since the last report. Hay quoted is sourced and delivered locally, GST exclusive unless stated otherwise. It should be noted that local prices quoted may not be the cheapest available, sourcing it from another region may be more affordable, and buyers are encouraged to evaluate all options. Prices are indicative to a mid-range shedded product, and based on the best indication of market value at the time of reporting. It should be noted there is a wide variation in quality of hay, prices for a mid-range product will not reflect the weighted average of trade. Prices will naturally vary based on the product quantity and quality, buyer/seller relationship and the size of the trade.

The hay report has been commissioned by Dairy Australia to provide an independent and timely assessment of hay markets in each dairy region. This report is created using data provided by the Australian Fodder Industry Association (AFIA). It should be remembered that actual prices may vary for quality or other reasons. Whilst all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this report, Dairy Australia disclaims all liability to the fullest extent permitted by Australian law for any inadvertent errors and for any losses or damages stemming from reliance upon its content. Dairy Australia recommends all persons seek independent advice and, where appropriate, advice from a qualified advisor before making any decisions about changes to business strategy. 

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