Farmer Forum & Annual General Meeting

Dairy Australia’s farmer forum was held on 28 November 2023 in Moama, NSW. The forum was focused on feedbase, climate and investing in the next generation. Dairy Australia’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held as part of the day.

Farmer Forum

The forum provided an opportunity for farmers to engage over lunch and dinner, hear from other farmers and industry leaders, and find out more about the value Dairy Australia delivers to farmers. Feedbase and climate discussion: a panel of farmers discussed how they have adapted their feedbase and risk management strategies to be more resilient in a changing climate. Dairy farmers Jacob Gardiner, Deanne Hore and Dustin Kemp shared their experience.

Annual General Meeting

Dairy Australia members elected four directors at the 2023 AGM. The newly appointed directors are Paul Bennett (agribusiness, innovation and adoption skills), Paul van Heerwaarden (dairy supply chain and product promotion skills), Kären Moroney (milk producer skills) and Paul Roderick (milk producer skills). Following the AGM, the board reappointed James Mann as Chair for a fourth year.

For more information, view the results and watch a recording of the AGM below.

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