Independent Performance Review

Feedback from farmers and industry stakeholders is captured in a number of ways including an independent performance review.

An independent review of Dairy Australia’s operations and governance was conducted by Anwen Lovett Consulting in association with Ancer Consulting Pty Ltd. The review period spanned 2017 – 2020 and was completed in January 2021.

This review was informed by significant industry feedback including over 100 interviews with farmer levy payers, industry bodies, processors, research providers, Federal and State Government. Dairy Australia’s Board, executive team and the eight Regional Development Programs were also interviewed. In addition, levy payers were able to share their views via an online survey.

The overall finding of this independent review is very positive. The review highlights Dairy Australia’s work building community trust through its marketing activities, industry support during recent crises, the capabilities of its eight Regional Development Programs and strength of its R&D portfolio.

There are also a number of recommendations which we are committed to addressing through specific actions. This is part of our ongoing commitment to improve and deliver value to farm businesses and advancing the industry.


  • Independent Performance Review 2017-2020 SummaryPDF194.1 KB

Final report

  • Independent Performance Review 2020/21 Final ReportPDF2.31 MB

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