Report iconReport

South East SA

Date SE '24 SE '23 SE '5YA
05-Jan-24 373 376 347
12-Jan-24 365 375 348
19-Jan-24 365 375 349
26-Jan-24 365 365 347
02-Feb-24 365 365 348
09-Feb-24 360 370 348
16-Feb-24 358 388 350
23-Feb-24 355 405 352
01-Mar-24 335 410 350
08-Mar-24 330 410 352
15-Mar-24 333 413 355
22-Mar-24 335 415 360
29-Mar-24 345 400 361
05-Apr-24 348 400 361
12-Apr-24 350 403 365
19-Apr-24 350 405 368
26-Apr-24 360 385 366
03-May-24 365 375 362
10-May-24 375 378 365
17-May-24 385 380 370
24-May-24 385 370 366
31-May-24 390 390 373
07-Jun-24 390 390 373
14-Jun-24 383 388 373
21-Jun-24 375 392 368
28-Jun-24 370 393 363
05-Jul-24 365 380 360
12-Jul-24 365 373 355
19-Jul-24 365 365 354
26-Jul-24 385 358
02-Aug-24 385 357
09-Aug-24 385 354
16-Aug-24 393 357
23-Aug-24 400 360
30-Aug-24 395 357
06-Sep-24 400 355
13-Sep-24 405 349
20-Sep-24 410 355
27-Sep-24 408 358
04-Oct-24 405 360
11-Oct-24 400 363
18-Oct-24 400 365
25-Oct-24 390 362
01-Nov-24 385 361
08-Nov-24 385 359
15-Nov-24 385 361
22-Nov-24 380 364
29-Nov-24 385 364
06-Dec-24 390 358
13-Dec-24 385 348
20-Dec-24 380 341
27-Dec-24 373 342


Change in price is the change since the last report. Prices are estimates based on delivery to dairy farms with allowance for freight, storage, and marketing costs, but exclusive of GST. Wheat prices are for the relevant stockfeed wheat available in a region (ASW, AGP, SFW1 or FED1) and F1 for barley.

The grain report has been commissioned by Dairy Australia to provide an independent and timely assessment of grain markets in each dairy region. This report is created using data provided by Profarmer Consulting. It should be remembered that actual prices may vary for quality or other reasons. Whilst all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this report, Dairy Australia disclaims all liability to the fullest extent permitted by Australian law for any inadvertent errors and for any losses or damages stemming from reliance upon its content. Dairy Australia recommends all persons seek independent advice and, where appropriate, advice from a qualified advisor before making any decisions about changes to business strategy.
















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