Understanding Farm Carbon Workshop - Echuca


Thursday, 19th June 2025

10:00AM - 2:00PM
LOCATION To Be Confirmed - Murray Dairy
Australia See map
Admit One / $0.00 AUD per person

Looking to better understand how reducing your farm's greenhouse gas emissions can protect profitability and sustainability, and prepare your business for regulatory market changes?

Join Dairy Australias Carbon Farming Extension Advisor Scott Jardine at an upcoming workshop designed to provide you with practical steps to calculate your farms carbon footprint and manage on-farm emissions.

This workshop will cover the drivers of greenhouse gas emissions and how to measure, track and reduce your carbon footprint, as well as understanding industry requirements and assessing potential productivity and environmental benefits.

Following the workshop, dairy farmers have the option of a one-to-one session with a Dairy Australia staff member to identify and support their specific needs.

These workshops are being delivered with funding support from the Commonwealth of Australia through the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water under the Carbon Farming Outreach Program.

For further information please contact Scott Jardine scott.jardine@dairyaustralia.com.au

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