Understanding Farm Carbon Workshop - Sale


Friday, 4th April 2025

10:00AM - 2:00PM
LOCATION Sale Greyhound Racing Club
Sale Showgrounds, Maffra-Sale Rd
Australia See map
Admit One / $0.00 AUD per person

Understanding and measuring greenhouse gas emissions (or carbon footprint) on dairy farms is vital. It provides farmers with valuable information for improving productivity and sustainability, and preparing for regulatory and market changes.

Our Understanding Farm Carbon workshop supports dairy farm businesses to understand the drivers of greenhouse gas emissions and how to reduce their carbon footprint. From understanding industry requirements to assessing potential productivity and environmental benefits, the workshop provides farmers with essential information and practical steps.

Workshop Outcomes

1.Gain a solid understanding of the drivers of greenhouse gas emissions on dairy farms and the influencing factors, including the methane from cattle, fertiliser and carbon stores, to better manage a farms carbon footprint.

2.Learn about the industrys emissions reduction targets, explore farm activities and technologies, and get clarity on common carbon terms such as insetting, offsetting and reduction.

3.Calculate greenhouse gas emissions using our online tools designed specifically for Australian dairy farming, the Australian Dairy Carbon Calculator and DairyBase.

4.Explore practical steps for reducing greenhouse gas emissions on dairy farms to make informed choices that protect profitability and sustainability.

5.Understand the Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) scheme and the benefits and risks. Learn about the due diligence required before participating in a carbon farming project and how to leverage ACCUs for potential financial and environmental gains.

Delivered with funding support from the Commonwealth of Australia through the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water under the Carbon Farming Outreach Program.

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