Corporate Governance

Murray Dairy - How we work

The Murray Dairy Code of Conduct sets expectations and guiding principles for behaviour by Murray Dairy committee members, employees and contractors.

Murray Dairy Code of Conduct

Murray Dairy is committed to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism, honesty, integrity and fairness. Murray Dairy Board members, employees, contracted consultants, those holding office-bearing positions and committee or group members engaged in activities coordinated by Murray Dairy are required to act in a manner consistent with this commitment.

The Code of Conduct contains standards of behaviour that are underpinned by Murray Dairy's values:

  • Leadership
  • Responsiveness
  • Integrity
  • Innovation

Board members, employees, contracted consultants, those holding office-bearing positions and committee or group members are all expected to be aware of and comply with this Code of Conduct.

In complying with the Murray Dairy Code of Conduct individuals are expected to:

  1. Act honestly and with integrity
  2. Act in good faith and in the best interest of Murray Dairy
  3. Act in a financially responsible manner
  4. Act with a reasonable degree of care, diligence and skill
  5. Act in compliance with Murray Dairy rules, Charter and/or Terms of Reference
  6. Support collective group decisions
  7. Not use information to gain, directly or indirectly
  8. Maintain confidentiality
  9. Disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid, any conflict of interest

The Murray Dairy Code of Conduct applies to individuals involved in all potential forms of communication including but not limited to meetings, events and/or social media (Twitter, Facebook, email and blogs).

Murray Dairy will not tolerate unacceptable behaviour that impacts adversely on other Board members, employees, contracted consultants, office-bearing position holders or committee or group members.

Unacceptable personal behaviour includes but is not limited to:

  • Verbal or written abuse, physical abuse or assault
  • Discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation
  • Threatening or intimidating behaviour towards others
  • Careless behaviour that could endanger the safety of yourself or others
  • Breaches of relevant laws and regulations

In addition, Murray Dairy will not tolerate behaviour or activities that impact on Murray Dairy and its reputation. These behaviours and activities may include but are not limited to:

  • Breaches of confidentiality
  • Defamation
  • Breaches of privacy

In the event of a person breaching the Murray Dairy Code of Conduct, the individual will be reminded of the Code of Conduct and the associated expectation in adhering to this policy.

In the event of a person continually breaching the Murray Dairy Code of Conduct, the individual will be requested to no longer participate in the Murray Dairy associated activity.

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