Effluent Management

Effluent management is an important part of any dairy farm business.

Good effluent management has a number of benefits both on and off the farm including:

  • Saving money on bought-in fertiliser

  • Soil conditioning properties from the organic matter

  • Improved soil moisture holding capacity

  • Improved nutrient holding capacity

  • Productivity gains from pasture responses

Effluent Management
10 Videos

More information

The Effluent and Manure Management Database for the Australian Dairy Industry

The Effluent and Manure Management Database for the Australian Dairy Industry website has reliable and scientifically validated technical information on dairy effluent management adaptable to all dairying regions in Australia. This database stores information that underpins state and regional guidelines on dairy effluent management, technical and farmer-based extension programs and educational material.

It includes advice for:

  • On-farm effluent designs

  • Principles for effective effluent management

  • Design criteria for components of effluent containment and reuse systems

  • Decision support systems and relevant tools

Agriculture Victoria maintains a directory of accredited private sector providers who provide effluent design services for dairy farmers.

Nutrients from effluent and sludge provide a valuable source of nutrients and organic carbon. Visit the Dairying for Tomorrow website for further information and to access the nutrients from effluent and sludge calculator.

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