
A range of insect pests affect dairy farm pastures in southern Australia. These pests may include:

  • African black beetle
  • Armyworm
  • Black-headed cockchafer
  • Crop and pasture mites
  • Red-headed cockchafer (external site)
  • Red-legged earth mite
  • Lucerne flea
  • Slugs and snails

While Dairy Australia does not provide a comprehensive overview of the life cycle, threshold damage levels and control methods of all pests that affect perennial ryegrass pasture, the following factsheet does describe the effects of the pests mentioned above.

  • perennial ryegrass management VIII management of weed pests diseasesPDF986.72 KB

More information

For more detailed information on a specific pest, download the relevant fact sheet.

  • Crops and pasture pests factsheetPDF119.9 KB
  • African black beetle factsheetPDF185.48 KB
  • Slugs and snails factsheetPDF471.7 KB
  • Armyworm factsheetPDF599.28 KB
  • Pests to be aware of in autumn factsheetPDF123.32 KB

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