Farmers encouraged to check Group A Membership status ahead of AGM

Farmers encouraged to check Group A Membership status ahead of AGM

Dairy Australia is encouraging all farmers who pay the Dairy Service Levy to ensure they are a Group A member so they can fully participate in Dairy Australia’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 23 November 2022.

To vote at the AGM, levy payers must be registered as a Group A member of Dairy Australia. 

To participate in the 2022 AGM, new or updated memberships must be received by 31 October 2022.

Membership is voluntary and free for all levy payers. 

Due to the Corporations Act, Dairy Australia cannot legally assign membership without your approval. If you wish to vote at the AGM, you should check your membership status as soon as possible to ensure you’re eligible and become a Group A member if you aren’t already one.

There are three easy ways to register or check if you are a member:

Even if you have previously been a Group A Member but you have changed or added an ABN, it is likely you will need to reinstate your membership as it is aligned to ABNs. 

We encourage all levy payers to become members of Dairy Australia to have a say in the direction of the organisation and the election of Directors.

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