
Dairy manufacturing businesses are only as good as the skills and knowledge of the people who work within them.

There are many organisations across Australia - and internationally - offering training courses in dairy manufacturing skills.

You can also sign up for training webinars provided by Dairy Australia.

Training courses

Developing skills in dairy manufacturing is an ongoing challenge.

These online training resources for dairy manufacturing staff have been compiled by State Regulators. New courses will be added as they become available.



Course Summary


Understanding Food Safety Programs

This course is designed to help business leaders, QA Managers and other staff understand the basic components of a food safety program and how to use it day-to-day to manage food safety risks within their business. Users will learn what to include in the company overview section of a food safety program, why pre-requisite programs underpin the principles of HACCP, and how to apply the HACCP principles to identify food safety hazards and appropriate controls. Practical examples will provide context to the principles discussed throughout this course, giving users a greater understanding and path forward for developing or amending their own food safety program.

SafeFood Production QLD

Food Recall

Gauge the impact of a food recall on your manufacturing business, then develop skills in communications and business continuity planning to meet your statutory responsibilities and create your own food recall plan. The course ends by putting your new plan to the test in a mock recall scenario.

SafeFood Production QLD

Microbiological testing in dairy manufacturing

This course is designed to help QA and other staff understand the importance and value of an effective microbiological testing program. Learn how testing fits within a greater verification program in your business, the common microbiological hazards that impact dairy, and how testing can help verify your processing activities. Practical examples will provide clarity around product testing and environmental monitoring, how to implement a product testing procedure, and how to interpret your micro test results.

SafeFood Production QLD

Managing Listeria in dairy manufacture

 A series of 4 recorded webinars focussing on managing Listeria in the dairy manufacturing environment presented by Dr. John Sumner. Complete the skills and knowledge evaluation to obtain a certificate of completion.

 DairySafe (South Australia)

Course enrolment data may be shared with your state regulatory authority or the Australian Department of Agriculture upon request.

Training providers

Dairy Australia requests that you discuss your specific requirements with the provider of your choice. Dairy Australia does not endorse any of the organisations or sites listed, or give any warranty as to the currency or accuracy of the information provided.

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