Farm Environmental Tracker

Farm Environment Tracker supports dairy farm businesses in benchmarking sustainability performance and identifying opportunities for improving environmental stewardship and profitability.

Online tool

The Farm Environment Tracker online tool evaluates and quantifies a dairy farm’s current sustainability performance across a range of areas, including energy, water, waste, animal welfare, soil health and irrigation.

Farmers using the tool will gain access to:

  • an easy-to-use check-list assessment,
  • a customisable action plan,
  • real-world farm case studies and other supplementary resources.

 The results will enable farmers to make informed decisions on their environmental stewardship and business profitability.

The online tool and an accompanying "how to" video can be accessed below.


Farmers can receive further support from Dairy Australia’s sustainability experts by attending an interactive two-day workshop.

The sustainability workshop features:

  • A seminar day to explore sustainable practices in animal, energy, effluent and biodiversity management. 
  • An on-farm day to visit best practice examples of sustainable production systems.

Participants will also have the opportunity to connect with other farmers who are working to improve their sustainability performance.

View the events calendar to find upcoming workshops in your local region.

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