Dairy Australia Board

Dairy Australia’s Board comprises a diverse mix of skills, experience and personal attributes to effectively perform its role of overseeing the strategy and operational and financial performance of the organisation. 

Roles and responsibilities 

The board comprises eight non-executive directors and the managing director – view board profiles below. A formal board charter details the board’s role, authority, responsibilities, membership and operations. It sets out the matters specifically reserved to the board and the powers delegated to board committees. 

Key functions of the board are to monitor the operational and financial performance of the organisation, oversee its business strategy and ensure the appropriate use of its resources. The board delegates responsibility for the day-to-day management of Dairy Australia to the managing director and the leadership team under a formal delegations of authority policy, but retains responsibility for the overall strategy, governance and performance of the organisation. Discover more in corporate governance documents below. 

Board committees

The board has two standing committees to assist the effective and efficient operation of the board – the People and Culture Committee and Audit and Risk Management Committee. Each committee has adopted a board-approved charter that details its role, responsibilities, membership and operations. Discover more in corporate governance documents below. 

Board skills

To effectively perform the board’s oversight and governance responsibilities, it requires an appropriate mix of skills, experience and personal attributes. The board regularly reviews and revises the mix of skills, knowledge and experience the board considers are collectively necessary to direct Dairy Australia having regard to the business and strategy of the organisation. 

These skills and the number of current directors who have ‘strong’ or ‘intermediate’ skills/experience in each area are set out in our corporate governance statement. In addition to the collective skills set out in the matrix, under our constitution the board must have at least four directors with milk producer skills. Discover more in corporate governance documents below. 

Board diversity

The board recognises the benefits of having a diverse board and sees increasing diversity at the board level as an essential element in maintaining a competitive advantage. A board diversity policy actively promotes a truly diverse board that includes and make good use of differences in experience and backgrounds. Discover more in corporate governance documents below.   

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