Industry Sustainability

The Australian dairy industry promises to provide nutritious food for a healthier world. The industry recognises it has a role to play in Australia’s contribution to international sustainable development goals, while improving the industry’s resilience to meet the challenges of climate change. 

Our commitments 

The dairy industry’s sustainability commitments include: 

  • Enhancing economic viability and livelihoods – creating a dairy industry that rewards dairy workers and their families, communities, business and investors.
  • Improving the wellbeing of people – providing nutritious, safe and quality dairy food.
  • Providing best care for animals – striving for health, welfare and best care for our animals throughout their lives.
  • Reducing environmental impact – meeting the challenges of climate change and providing good stewardship of our natural resources.

Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Framework 

The industry has set goals and targets against these four commitment areas through the Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Framework. The framework reflects the industry’s focus and commitments on key sustainability priorities: climate change, animal welfare, human health and nutrition, food waste and industry profitability. 

It also supports the industry’s commitment to continuous improvement and highlights where progress has been made and where additional effort is required. Discover more about the framework below. 

Framework governance 

The Australian Dairy Industry Council (ADIC), comprised of Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) and Australian Dairy Products Federation (ADPF), has overall responsibility for the framework. Dairy Australia facilitates and supports ADIC in developing and implementing the framework. 

A steering committee drives the ongoing development and implementation of the framework, including representatives from farmer organisations and dairy companies. Dairy Sustainability Consultative Forums provide feedback on progress and facilitate two-way discussions on emerging issues both nationally and internationally. Reporting is regularly provided on industry progress against the framework. 

Consumer expectations 

Consumers are increasingly expecting that their food is produced in a way that is good for people, animals and the environment. 

Dairy Australia’s consumer marketing initiatives including Dairy Matters campaigns focus on sharing our industry sustainability commitments targets and progress, and providing information on topics that consumers care about. 

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