Fodder for the Future grain and fodder trial site updates

Murray Dairy have partnered with the grain and fodder industries to deliver six winter forage demonstration sites across the northern Victoria and southern Riverina dairy areas as part of the Fodder for the Future project.

This is a two year, $1.6M project funded by the Federal Government under the Murray–Darling Basin Economic Development Program. Its aim is to support dairy businesses at a time when increasing numbers of farms have moved away from relying on perennial pastures and are now growing more winter and summer crops.

As part of the project, Murray Dairy have created video updates for farmers to see progress at the sites.

Lisa Birrell, Regional Extension Officer, Murray Dairy, explains: “With the unpredictability of Covid-19 restrictions, it is difficult for farmers to meet face-to-face and this is one way that we can keep them informed.”

The demonstration sites include trials on wheat, oats, barley, vetch and cereal as well as a look at something different, faba beans. The demonstration sites monitor sowing times, sowing rates, fertiliser and harvest times to see the impact these strategies have on crop yield and quality.

The videos demonstrate some noticeable differences between the sites.

“The videos were shot in the middle of August when there were clear differences between crop cultivars and fertiliser treatments,” Lisa said.

Click here to view the latest results update.

To see the videos, and for further information about the Fodder for the Future project, head to

Fodder for the Future is also supported by Agriculture Victoria at Tatura, Birchip Cropping Group at Mitiamo, the Irrigated Cropping Council at Kerang, Melbourne University at Dookie, Southern Growers at Finley and Riverine Plains near Rutherglen to deliver the project.  


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