Alignment with the Australian Dairy Plan

The Australian Dairy Plan is a whole of industry, single national plan. Dairy Australia is committed to a close strategic alignment with the Australian Dairy Plan. This includes all five Australian Dairy Plan commitments and focus areas.

The first commitment in the Australian Dairy Plan sets out the need to reform organisational structures. Dairy Australia will actively work with Australian Dairy Farmers and Australian Dairy Products Federation to pursue reform, which is likely to impact in the middle years of this strategy.

The following table provides additional cross-references between the Dairy Australia strategy and key sections of the Australian Dairy Plan.

Dairy Australia priority Links to Australian Dairy Plan commitments Links to Australian Dairy Plan focus areas
1. More resilient farm businesses 4. We will intensify the focus on farm business skills to improve profitability and better manage risk Research and Innovation, Learning and Capability Development, Policy Leadership, Leadership and Culture
2. Attract and develop great people for dairy 2. We will attract and support new entrants and investment to build industry capacity Leadership and Culture, Policy Leadership, Learning and Capability Development
3. Strong community support for dairy 3. We will increase our effort in marketing and promotion to build greater levels of trust with consumers and improve the value of dairy products Market Development, Leadership and Culture, Policy Leadership
4. Thrive in a changing environment Sustainability, Research and Innovation, Learning and Capability Development, Policy Leadership, Leadership and Culture
5. Success in domestic and overseas markets 5. We will restore trust and transparency between farmers, processors and retailers to strengthen industry confidence Market Development, Policy Leadership, Leadership and Culture
6. Technology and data enabled dairy farms Research and Innovation, Learning and Capability Development
7. Innovative and responsive organisation Leadership and Culture