Financials & Resource Allocation

Dairy Australia’s resources will be allocated to help drive our outcomes within each strategic priority.

Levies 30,992 31,000 31,500 32,100 32,700
Commonwealth matching 21,661 21,300 21,200 21,500 22,500
External income contribution 8,968 8,100 8,300 8,500 8,700
Other 465 500 500 500 500

Total income

62,087 60,900 61,500 62,600 64,400

Projects/activities and services 55,345 53,000 51,800 51,700 53,400
Overheads 9,659 9,800 10,200 10,400 10,500

Total expenses

65,004 62,800 62,000 62,100 63,900
Operating surplus/(deficit) (2,917) (1,900) (500) 500 500


Forecasted milk production for 2020/21 is 8.7 billion litres with 1.8% year-on-year growth thereafter. A levy rate of 0.354¢/L has been forecasted  over  five  years,  based on milk composition of 3.38% protein and 4.10% fat.

Government matching income is inline with maximum claimable amounts and is calculated on the Gross Value  of Production (GVP) averaged over three years (Statutory Funding Agreement link).

Income targets are projections that are consistent with past periods of recovery after droughts and significant market events.


The expense allocation will change over time to meet our strategic outcomes and respond to industry feedback and investment opportunities. Further details on changes to allocation of expenditure will be reflected in each Annual Operating Plan and Annual Report).

Budgeted expenditure for each priority in 2020/21

All projects, activities and services have been allocated  to a strategic priority. Our budgeted expenditure for 2020/21 is set out in the pie graph above. As we progress our strategic plan, we will re-align our investment in our priority areas based on evolving industry needs and changes in strategic focus areas.