Priority 3: Strong Community Support for Dairy


Enhanced trust and value in the Australian dairy industry, farmers and products

Strategic outcomes Success indicators

The Australian dairy industry is trusted and accepted by the community

The Australian community is taking a greater interest in the food they consume and the way it is produced. Trust and resulting acceptance in agriculture, including dairy, cannot be taken for granted. Sustainable production of dairy foods  requires a demonstrable commitment to people, animal care and the environment. This commitment includes understanding and staying ahead of community expectations and working with industry to set targets and measure progress at a national and global scale.


We will enhance community trust and acceptance of dairy,  set industry sustainability targets and publicly report progress through a world-class framework.


79% of consumers trust the dairy industry

Australian dairy is valued  for superior health and nutrition benefits

There continues to be varied opinions around the role of food for good health and nutrition, which competes with established science-based advice. Consumers require access to information that supports their ongoing consumption of healthy and nutritious foods. There is also an opportunity to further increase the strong support for dairy products and the industry and continue to reinforce the reasons to consume and buy Australian dairy. The voice of farmers is essential to convey pride in their industry and to speak positively about being in dairy.


We will reinforce the essential role of dairy for good health and nutrition and the value of consuming dairy every day.

55% of consumers make an effort to consume dairy every day

The Australian dairy industry is committed to animal wellbeing

The wellbeing of animals is critical to the Australian dairy industry. Appropriate care for our animals is essential not only to the success of every farming business, but because it is our moral responsibility. There is opportunity to continue to improve our practices, report transparently on how we are progressing, and identify where
we need to do more to ensure industry practices align with community values.


We will work with farmers, processors and industry groups to provide best care for all animals for their whole life.


80% of consumers agree dairy farmers do a good job caring for their animals

Additional targets

Find additional targets on the Monitoring & Evaluation page.