Dairy Australia is an important service organisation for the Australian dairy industry. The organisation strategically invests dairy farmer levies and the Commonwealth Government’s contribution.
The strategic plan sets out priorities and outcomes to guide investment over five years. There are six priorities that contribute to delivering improved profitability and a more sustainable dairy industry, and a seventh priority that gives focus to organisational drivers of performance.
The dairy industry has demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of significant changes to global markets, droughts, fires, floods and aggressive retail pricing. As the plan commences, the trends are positive for increased milk production with ongoing strength in domestic and overseas demand for dairy products. COVID-19 brings its own challenges from economic shocks that follow a global pandemic and the hard to predict effects on global trade of dairy products.
The industry will call on its strengths, including its ability to produce a highly nutritious product, expand its efficient transport and processing, and diversify its range of high-value products. It is time to directly address three key objectives set out in the Australian Dairy Plan – to be a more profitable industry, provide a more confident outlook for dairy, and unite to address the major issues confronting the industry. Our strategic plan closely aligns with the Australian Dairy Plan and supports all five commitments, including organisational reform. Close alignment provides confidence that even with a change in organisational structures, the strategic outcomes will remain relevant.
Progress against outcomes will be measured and reported each year and ongoing feedback will be sought on the delivery against priorities. These activities will inform the development of Dairy Australia’s Annual Operating Plans.
The value created by this strategic plan is magnified by successful cooperation and co-investment. We will report on our improvements in partnering for innovation, regional service delivery, policy development, and marketing and trade activities.