Priority 7: Innovative & Responsive Organisation


An organisation that is farmer-focused, with talented people who embrace innovation and take decisive actions

Strategic outcomes Success indicators

We have an enhanced farmer-focused service delivery model

The work that Dairy Australia delivers is strongly focused on a deep understanding of farmers and farm businesses. Our work continues to be tailored to the needs of our primary stakeholders who are dairy farmers.


We will deliver greater value to levy payers through an improved service delivery model that addresses their business needs.

Farm businesses rate Dairy Australia as having an effective relationship management and service delivery model (rating of 8 out of 10)

Our culture of learning and innovation, values and ways of working deliver success

A positive organisational culture guides the delivery of our strategic plan. Our way of working is highly collaborative with a strong focus on teamwork and decisive action. Innovative thinking is highly valued to identify new opportunities to create value for farm businesses, co-create innovation projects with partners and pursue new approaches to innovation.


We will create an environment where our people thrive in.

We will value innovative thinking and new innovative approaches in our drive to deliver greater value to farm businesses.

80% employee engagement score Farm businesses value Dairy Australia for our ability to be innovative (rating 8 out of 10)

Our infrastructure, resources and processes allow us to be informed, agile and responsive

We have the right balance of infrastructure, technical and digital capability supported by talented people and efficient processes.


We will be agile and responsive to changing industry needs.


Dairy Australia is responsive to major industry events impacting the industry (rating of 8 out of 10)

We have effective and transparent management of resources

Effective governance and transparent reporting enable Dairy Australia to make the right decisions and be accountable.


We will ensure all resources are used responsibly.


Levy payers are satisfied that Dairy Australia is investing levies appropriately (rating of 8 out 10)

Additional targets

Find additional targets on the Monitoring & Evaluation page.