Dairy Australia has seven strategic priorities over the next five years. Each priority is underpinned by a goal and key outcomes.
1. More resilient farm businesses
Farm businesses that are more profitable, resilient and innovative in managing price and cost volatility
- Business planning that leads to better decisions and sustained success
- Clear and understood drivers of dairy farm profitability and productivity
- Expanded range of risk management tools for price and cost volatility
- Innovation in finance that increases access to capital for expansion and new entrants
2. Attract and develop great people for dairy
Attract great people to the dairy industry, build their capability and careers, and foster a safe work culture
- Greater awareness of Australian dairy as an attractive industry with rewarding careers
- Clear and supported skill development and career pathways
- Access to capable and skilled farm employees and service providers
- Support farm businesses and their service providers to get the basics right
3. Strong community support for dairy
Enhanced trust and value in the Australian dairy industry, farmers and products
- The Australian dairy industry is trusted and accepted by the community
- Australian dairy is valued for superior health and nutrition benefits
- The Australian dairy industry is committed to animal wellbeing
4. Thrive in a changing environment
Profitable farm businesses that adapt to the changing natural environment and provide good stewardship of resources
- Greater ability to adapt to changes in the natural environment
- Efficient and profitable use of land, water, carbon and energy resources which nurtures and sustains the natural environment
- Proactive action to reduce global warming and greenhouse gas emissions
5. Success in domestic and overseas markets
Improved access to high-value dairy markets, backed by trusted market insights and a favourable regulatory and policy environment
- Australian dairy is valued around the world for its premium products
- A favourable policy and regulatory environment
- Access to trusted market insights that inform decision-making
6. Technology and data-enabled dairy farms
Inspire more agile and responsive dairy businesses through greater integration of technology and data
- More flexible and agile dairy production systems
- Greater use of high-value technology on farm
- Connected dairy production systems utilising multiple data sources to enhance decision making
- Accelerated genetic progress in feedbase and animal breeding
7. Innovative and responsive organisation
An organisation that is farmer-focused, with talented people who embrace innovative thinking and decisive action
- We have a farmer-focused service delivery model
- Our culture of learning and innovation, values and ways of working deliver success
- Our infrastructure, resources and processes allow us to be informed, agile and responsive
- We have effective and transparent management of resources