Priority 5: Success in Domestic & Overseas Markets


Improved access to high-value dairy markets, backed by trusted market insights and a favourable regulatory and policy environment

Strategic outcomes Success indicators

Australian dairy is valued around the world for its premium products

Favourable trade arrangements are linked to  recognition that Australian products are premium in terms of food safety, provenance and meeting tight product specifications.


We will retain strong awareness and buyer preference in overseas markets for Australian dairy products.


Australian dairy products are nominated as preferred status by customers in the key markets of Japan (70%), Greater China (60%) and South-east Asia (60%)

A favourable policy and regulatory environment

Credible and fact-based insights matched with incisive policy analysis and broad industry backing are powerful tools to create  a favourable policy and regulatory environment.


We will positively influence the policy and regulatory environment in both domestic and international markets.


Industry and government stakeholders value the work of Dairy Australia to inform policy discussions (rating 8 out of 10) and help ensure access to markets (rating of 8 out of 10)

Access to trusted market insights that inform decision making

The Australian dairy supply chain is characterised by sophisticated collection of market data that is readily available to support decision making by industry and government stakeholders.


We will ensure the ongoing availability of trusted and credible dairy market data and insights.


Dairy Australia is considered by industry stakeholders as the most trusted and credible source of information to inform decisions related to dairy markets (rating of 8 out of 10)

Additional targets

Find additional targets on the Monitoring & Evaluation page.